* Distribution: - File synsets_allrelations.txt.gz Format: For each example first comes a line with the example identifier, followed by a line for each relation extracted. The example identifier provides the source corpus (brown1/brown2), the brown file, and sentence number (separated by "/"). The relation lines contain the following fields (separated by "#"): - position of the first element in the relation - synset of the first element in the relation - word-form of the first element in the relation - relation - position of the second element in the relation - synset of the second element in the relation - word-form of the second element in the relation - Files c2c.allsemcor.obj.gz, c2c.allsemcor.subj.gz Separated by tabulation: - noun synset (WN 1.6) - verb synset (WN 1.6) - weight[0-1]: The higher the weight, the stronger the relation. Details are given in [1,2]. * References: [1] Agirre E., Martínez D. 2001. Learning class-to-class selectional preferences. Proceedings of the Workshop "Computational Natural Language Learning" (CoNLL-2001). In conjunction with ACL'2001/EACL'2001. Toulouse, France. (pdf) [2] Agirre E., Martínez D. 2002. Integrating Selectional Preferences in WordNet. Proceedings of First International WordNet Conference. Mysore (India). 2002.