Informazioaren Erauzketa eta Berreskurapena


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A Framework for the Evaluation of SUMO-Based Ontologies Using WordNet

This paper offers a new practical approach toward automated commonsense reasoning with first-order logic (FOL) SUMO-based ontologies. We propose a new black-box evaluation framework for SUMO-based ontologies, which exploits the world knowledge encoded in WordNet and its mapping into SUMO. Our proposal consists of both a novel semi-automatic method for the creation of a large set of commonsense problems and a new procedure that enables its automatic evaluation by using automated theorem provers (ATPs).

Automatic white-box testing of first-order logic ontologies

Formal ontologies are axiomatizations in a logic-based formalism. The development of formal ontologies is generating considerable research on the use of automated reasoning techniques and tools that help in ontology engineering. One of the main aims is to refine and to improve axiomatizations for enabling automated reasoning tools to efficiently infer reliable information. Defects in the axiomatization cannot only cause wrong inferences, but can also hinder the inference of expected information, either by increasing the computational cost of or even preventing the inference.

Towards Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Named Entity Disambiguation

In cross-Lingual Named Entity Disambiguation (XNED) the task is to link Named Entity mentions in text in some native language to English entities in a knowledge graph. XNED systems usually require training data for each native language, limiting their application for low resource languages with small amounts of training data.

Hacia el análisis de sentimientos en euskera

Este es un resumen de la tesis escrita por Jon Alkorta bajo la supervisi ́ondel Dr. Koldo Gojenola (Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Inform ́aticos) yel Dr. Mikel Iruskieta (Departamento de Did ́actica de la Lengua y la Literatura)y presentada en la Universidad del Pa ́ıs Vasco (UPV/EHU).


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