2024/10/10 |
2025/10/09 |
Curriculum Learning for large language models in low-resource languages |
EuroHPC Joint Undertaking |
2023/10/10 |
2024/10/10 |
Scaling language models for low-resource languages |
EuroHPC Joint Undertaking |
2022/12/01 |
2025/09/30 |
Disargue: Few-shot Learning and Argumentation to Detect and Fight Misinformation in Social Media |
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN) |
2022/09/01 |
2025/08/31 |
DeepKnowledge: Deep Language Models for Understanding and Reasoning with Multilingual Content |
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN) |
2022/01/01 |
2025/12/31 |
IXA taldea A motako ikertalde finkatua. |
Eusko Jaurlaritza |
2021/05/01 |
2023/12/31 |
ParlaMint ES-PV |
2021/04/01 |
2024/03/31 |
CHIST-ERA - INT-Acciones de Programación Conjunta Internacional (MINECO) 2020 |
2020/03/02 |
2022/03/01 |
Tools for the analysis of parliamentary discourses: polarization, subjectivity and affectivity in the post-truth era |
2020/02/28 |
2021/12/31 |
DeepText |
Eusko Jaurlaritza. Industria Saila. |
2020/02/01 |
2021/01/21 |
Asesoría científica en la construcción de un asistente personal |
Sherpa Europe S.L. |
2019/04/30 |
2021/04/30 |
BigKnowledge for Text Mining. |
2019/04/01 |
2019/07/31 |
Fake News |
Sherpa Europe S.L. |
2019/02/28 |
2020/03/31 |
DL4NLP: Deep Learning aplicado al Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural como apoyo a los ámbitos del RIS3 |
Eusko Jaurlaritza |
2019/01/01 |
2021/12/31 |
IXA taldea. A motako ikertalde finkatua. |
Eusko Jaurlaritza |
2019/01/01 |
2021/12/31 |
DeepReading: Mining, Understanding, and Reasoning with Multilingual Content. |
Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. |
2018/02/15 |
2018/06/30 |
Openminted: Sharing IXA pipes in the OpenMinTeD platform. |
2017/11/06 |
2017/11/10 |
Ibermática: Aholkularitza/formazioa IXA PIPES. |
Ibermática |
2017/10/15 |
2018/01/15 |
Consultoria técnica interstock. |
Interstock development Spain S.L. |
2017/05/01 |
2019/04/30 |
CROSSTEXT: Automatic Generation of Multilingual Semantic Processors |
Ministerio de Economía , Industria y Competitividad (Explora) |
2017/03/07 |
2021/03/06 |
enetCollect : European Network for Combining Language Learning with Crowdsourcing Techniques |
European Comission - Cost Action |
2016/01/01 |
2018/12/31 |
IXA taldea. A motako ikertalde finkatua. |
Eusko Jaurlaritza |
2016/01/01 |
2016/12/31 |
T2I Team (UPPA) / Ixa Team (UPV/EHU) |
2013/07/17 |
2013/12/31 |
EHU-Azpietiura 2013. Cluster para cloud computing y procesamiento distribuido del lenguaje natural. |
Euskal Herriko Unbiertsitatea |
2013/07/01 |
2016/06/30 |
READERS: evaluation and development of reading systems |
2013/03/01 |
2016/03/01 |
LoCloud: Eduki lokala Europeanako lainoan |
European comission. CIP-Best Practice Network |
2013/01/01 |
2015/12/31 |
SKaTeR: Testu-irakurketaren bidezko ezagutza-eszenarioen eskuratzea: ebentoen detekzioa eta eszenarioen indukzioa. |
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad |
2013/01/01 |
2015/12/31 |
NewsReader: Building structured event indexes of large volumes of financial and economic data for decision making |
European Commission |
2012/10/24 |
2014/12/31 |
Ber2Tek - Hizkuntza-, ahots- eta multimedia-teknologia hizkuntzen industrien zerbitzuan. |
Eusko-Jaurlaritza / Basque Govern |
2012/07/01 |
2014/06/30 |
OpeNER: Open Polarity Enhanced Named Entity Recognition |
European Commission. |
2012/01/01 |
2013/12/31 |
IBILBIDE: ondare kultural digitalean nabigatzeko teknikak. |
Eusko Jaurlaritza |
2011/11/01 |
2016/06/30 |
BAILab:Basque Advanced informatics laboratory. |