Congress with ISBN

Domain Adapted Distant Supervision for Pedagogically Motivated Relation Extraction

In this paper we present a relation extraction system that given a text extracts pedagogically motivated relation types, as a previousstep to obtaining a semantic representation of the text which will make possible to automatically generate questions for reading comprehension. The system maps pedagogically motivated relations with relations from ConceptNet and deploys Distant Supervisionfor relation extraction. We run a study on a subset of those relationships in order to analyse the viability of our approach.

Evaluating Multimodal Representations on Visual Semantic Textual Similarity

The combination of visual and textual representations has produced excellent results in tasks such as image captioning and visual question answering, but the inference capabilities of multimodal representations are largely untested. In the case of textual representations, inference tasks such as Textual Entailment and Semantic Textual Similarity have been often used to benchmark the quality of textual representations. The long term goal of our research is to devise multimodal representation techniques that improve current inference capabilities.


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