Hitzaldi Gonbidatuak

View result counter Aurkezlea Testuingurua Hitzaldiaren_data
51 Invited tutorial on Deep Learning for NLP Eneko Agirre Deep Learning for NLP, Pavia, Italy. 2019
52 Three invited talks on Unsupervised Machine Translation Eneko Agirre 2019
53 Keynote talk at the conference of the Spanish NLP society (SEPLN) Eneko Agirre Conference of the Spanish NLP society (SEPLN), Bilbao, Basque Country 2019
54 Keynote talk at the conference in computational collective intelligence Eneko Agirre Computational collective intelligence, Hendaye, Basque Country 2019
55 Looking for possible new articles. What Wikipedia pages are often consulted in English... but there are not defined in Gaelic? Kepa Sarasola 2019
56 Euskara eta hizkuntza-teknologiak: egungo egoera eta zenbait proposamen Iñaki Alegria eta Xabier Artola Iñaki Alegria, Xabier Artola Eusko Legebiltzarra 2018
57 Quién, qué, cuándo, dónde: Etiquetado automático de roles semánticos en el procesamiento del lenguaje Olatz Arregi XV Simposio Internacional de Comunicación Social 2017
