These are the main objectives of this course:
Presentation of the main concepts and models for the computational treatment of morphology (regular expressions, finite-state automata, computational morphology). During the course, the student will use the foma tool (a free and open source tool for finite-state processing). The course will center mainly on languages with rich morphology.
Presentation of the main approaches for the computational treatment of syntax. Among others, context-free grammars, finite-state syntax, and statistical models. Several formalisms such as Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG), Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) and Constraint Grammar will be presented. We will also present a main overview of Tagging, Chunking and Parsing.
Overview of the role that computational morphology and syntax play on the applications that make use of language technology.
1. Introduction
2. Formal languages and their applications
2.1. Basic concepts
2.2. Regular languages
2.3. Context free languages
3. Morphology
3.1. Formalisms for Computational Morphology
3.2. Morphotactics and Phonology
Phenomena in several languages
3.3. Finite-State Morphology
Examples and problems using FOMA: Lexicon, Morphology, Surface-Syntax
4. Syntax
4.1. Finite-State Syntax
4.1.1. Assignment of Syntactic Categories (POS tagging)
Knowledge-based (Constraint Grammar)
Data-driven (statistical methods)
4.1.2. Chunking
4.2. Multiword expressions (MWE)
4.3. Context Free Grammars
4.3.1. Basic model
4.3.2. Probabilistic Context Free Grammars
4.3.3. Unification-based Grammars
4.4. Dependency Syntax
4.4.1. Rule-based
4.4.2. Data-driven
- Ability to verify exercises related to finite-state automata and context-free grammars in a graphical application
- Examination of examples and resources for the understanding of basic concepts
- Exercises for the interpretation of grammar rules
- Exercises for the writing and implementation of grammar rules