The course coversthe following topics:
i) Computational semantics. The goal of this part ofthe course is to present the basic concepts insemantics, covering the issues related tosyntax-semantics interface: formal representation of the meaning of a sentence, computational approaches forformal semantics, essential resources needed for the computational treatment of semantics, and fundamental statistical approaches to word sense disambiguation. ii)Computational pragmatics and Discourse covering. This part covers subjects like: a) the study of theories that formalize the rhetorical structure of a text (e.g. RST),b) the problem of coreference and the identification of coreferential chains, and c) constructing models of speech acts in dialogue.
Theme 1:Automated reasoning in propositional, first-order,temporal and description logic.
Theme 2:Automated reasoning applied to large ontologies: Resultsand limitations.
Theme 3:Inductive reasoning and learning algorithms.