Description | Whom | Date | |||
Proyecto ganador del hackaton #somos600M | Proyecto NoticIA: Resumen de Noticias Clickbait | Begoña Altuna Ixa taldea, Iker García Ixa taldea | 2024 | 54 | |
Premio Radio Bilbao a la Excelencia en la categoría de Euskera a HiTZ. Centro Vasco de Tecnología de la Lengua. | “La destacada labor de HiTZ en el desarrollo de tecnologías de la lengua vasca y el compromiso con la promoción y conservación del euskera. A través de sus investigaciones y desarrollos tecnológicos, HiTZ ha logrado avanzar en la normalización del euskera en el ámbito digital. De este modo, ha contribuido significativamente al compromiso con la excelencia y el progreso de nuestra lengua con la mirada puesta en la era digital y su futuro” | HiTZ Zentroa | 2023 | 53 |
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Condecoración: "Orden Carlos J. Finlay" | Con gran satisfacción les informo que la más alta condecoración que Cuba otorga a científicos nacionales y extranjeros, la Orden "Carlos J. Finlay", se le ha otorgado al Dr. Xabier Artola Zubillaga, prestigioso profesor e investigador del Grupo IXA de la Universidad del País Vasco, por más de 20 años de fructífera y solidaria colaboración científica con Cuba, específicamente con el Centro de Lingüística Aplicada del Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente de Santiago de Cuba. El Dr. Xabier Artola Zubillaga y otros colegas vascos ha desarrollado en conjunto con investigadores del Centro de Lingüística Aplicada diversos programas computacionales que han sido fundamentales en la obtención de las diferentes ediciones electrónicas y PDF del reconocido y prestigioso Diccionario básico escolar (DBE), creados por la Dra. Eloína Miyares Bermúdez y el Dr. Vitelio Ruiz Hernández, que tanta utilidad ha brindado y brinda a los estudiantes de todas las enseñanzas de Cuba, el cual ha tenido una tirada de 1100 CDs y más de 300 mil ejemplares impresos por la Editorial Oriente, con el significativo impacto en el estudiantado y profesorado cubano. | Xabier Artola Ixa taldea | 2023 | 52 |
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Premio Aula Janssen al mejor TFM | Nuria Lebeña Ixa taldea | 2022 | 51 |
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Gladys saria | Olatz Perez de Viñaspre Ixa taldea | 2022 | 50 |
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Finalista premio Institución del Año, Premios Archiletras de la Lengua | HiTZ zentroa | 2022 | 49 |
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Premio SEPLN a la Mejor Tesis Doctoral en Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural | Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural - SEPLN elkarteak saria eman dio Mikel Artetxeri Hizkuntza Naturalaren Prozesamenduaen alorrean doktorego tesi onena egiteagatik. Hona saritutako doktorego tesiaren izenburua: Unsupervised Machine Translation. | Mikel Artetxe Ixa taldea | 2021 | 48 | |
Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL) elkarteko Fellow | Eneko Agirre | 2021 | 47 |
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2020 EurAI Doctoral Dissertation Award | 2020 EurAI Doctoral Dissertation Award for his work on “Unsupervised Machine Translation”. The award will be presented at ACAI 2021 | Mikel Artetxe Ixa taldea | 2021 | 46 | |
Ikergazte 2021 Udalbiltza sari berezia | Twitterreko Euskal Komunitatearen Eduki Azterketa Pandemia Garaian | Joseba Fernandez de Landa Joseba Fernandez de Landa, Iker García, Ander Salaberria eta Jon Ander Campos | 2021 | 45 | |
Premio Aritmel |
Eneko Agirre, catedrático de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos en la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, ha obtenido el Premio Aritmel por sus contribuciones de excepcional valor en el ámbito del procesamiento de lenguaje natural, en particular en la explotación de grandes repositorios de texto, combinados con redes semánticas y en el aprendizaje no supervisado basado en computación neuronal, aplicada a la traducción automática. Destaca además no solo por la excepcional calidad de sus publicaciones científicas, algunas de ellas consideradas referentes en el campo, sino también por una intensa transferencia de los resultados de su investigación, su liderazgo científico -es director de un prestigioso centro de investigación- y su muy marcada trayectoria internacional, evidente tanto en su formación, como en sus colaboraciones y el impacto de su investigación. |
Eneko Agirre | 2021 | 44 |
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Investigadores Jóvenes Informáticos |
Mikel Artetxe Zurutuza, investigador científico en Facebook AI Research, por su alta internacionalización reconocida a través de sus estancias en las empresas más importantes dentro del campo del procesamiento del lenguaje natural y sus contribuciones en congresos de muy alto prestigio. |
Mikel Artetxe | 2021 | 43 | |
eHealth-2020 | Eneko Agirre Ixa taldea, Gorka Azkune Ixa taldea, Jon Ander Campos Ixa taldea, Arantxa Otegi Ixa taldea, Aitor Soroa Ixa taldea | 2020 | 42 | ||
Outstanding Paper award (top 2%) at COLING (International Conference on Computational Linguistics). | COLING kongresuan Jon Ander Camposen, Arantxa Otegiren, Aitor Soroaren, Eneko Agirreren eta Gorka Azkuneren na “Improving Conversational Question Answering Systems after Deployment using Feedback-Weighted Learning” nabarmendu diren artikuluen artean hautatua izan da. | Eneko Agirre Ixa taldea, Gorka Azkune Ixa taldea, Jon Ander Campos Ixa taldea, Arantxa Otegi Ixa taldea, Aitor Soroa Ixa taldea | 2020 | 41 | |
Honorable mention paper award (top 1%) at EMNLP (Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing) | The paper, “Spot the Bot: A Robust and Efficient Framework for the Evaluation of Conversational Dialogue Systems,” was among the four articles given an honorable mention for the Best Paper Award, which means it was at the top %1 of all accepted papers. | Eneko Agirre Ixa taldea, Jon Ander Campos Ixa taldea, Aitor Soroa Ixa taldea | 2020 | 40 | |
CodiEsp-D. Main evaluation metric: Mean Average Precision. | The CodiEsp Track is part of the CLEF 2020 conference. CLEF 2020 consists of an independent peer-reviewed conference on a broad range of issues in the fields of multilingual and multimodal information access evaluation, and a set of labs and workshops designed to test different aspects of mono and cross-language Information retrieval systems. | Alberto Blanco, Alicia Pérez, Arantza Casillas | 2020 | 39 | |
Winner of the Capitel@IberLEF 2020 shared task on Named Entity Recognition (NER) for Spanish | Rodrigo Agerri Ixakideak CAPITEL@IberLEF2020 lehiaketara aurkeztu dituen hiru sistemak lehenengo hiru postuetan sailkatu dira gaztelaniazko artikulu periodistikoetan agertzen diren entitate-izenak biltzeko eta sailkatzeko atalean. (Sub-task 1: Named Entity Reconition and Classification in Spanish News Articles). | Rodrigo Agerri Ixa taldea, German Rigau Ixa taldea | 2020 | 38 | |
COVID-19 Open Research Dataset Challenge (CORD-19) | The competition CORD-19 (COVID-19 Open Research Dataset Challenge) has been organized by several organizations such as Allen Institute for AI, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, Georgetown University, Microsoft Research, National Institutes of Health and The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. The organization has made available to the global research community more than 50,000 scientific articles on COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 and other coronavirus. At the same time, they issue a call to action to artificial intelligence researchers to apply the recent advances in natural language processing, in order to help scientists fighting COVID-19 disease to find necessary information in the scientific literature. | Eneko Agirre Arantxa Otegi, Jon Ander Campos, Eneko Agirre, Aitor Soroa | 2020 | 37 |
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premio al mejor Trabajo de Fin de Grado en el congreso SEPLN2019 (Sociedad Española para el procesamiento del lenguaje natural) | Aitor Ormazabal Ixa taldea | 2019 | 36 | ||
MIKEL ARTETXE has received one of the Facebook grants for the completion of his doctoral thesis | MIKEL ARTETXEK Facebookek doktorego tesia egiteko ematen dituen beketako bat jaso du. Mikel UPV/EHUn egiten ari da doktoregoa, Informatika Fakultateko IXA ikertaldearen baitan, Hizkuntzaren Azterketa eta Prozesamendua Masterra amaitu ondoren. Doktorego tesia egiteko 21 beka eman ditu Facebookek aurten, munduko txoko guztietatik jaso dituen 900 eskarien artean. Facebook bekak bi urteko iraunaldia du eta 37.000 dolar estatubatuar ematen ditu urtean, gehi biltzarretara bertaratzea xede duen laguntza osagarri bat ere. Kanpoko sariek hemengo ikerkuntza goi-mailakoa eta interes handikoa dela erakusten dute “Facebook beka -azaldu du Mikel Artetxek- orain arte egindako lana aitortzera dator eta, halaber, babes garrantzitsua da nire ikerketa ibilbidean aurrera egiten jarraitzeko. Pertsonalki oso pozik nago, baina ez dut gure kolektiboak orokorrean pairatzen duen prekarizazioaren ikuspegia galdu nahi. Baldintza duinetan ikertzen jarraitzea ahalbidetuko didan erakundea atzerriko multinazional bat izateak berak hausnartzera bultzatu beharko gintuzke" | Mikel Artetxe | 2019 | 35 | |
Ayuda de investigación de La Fundación BBVA | Ixa taldea | 2019 | 34 | ||
Google faculty research awards 2019 | Google Faculty Research Awards, is a program focused on supporting the world-class technical research in Computer Science, Engineering and related fields performed at academic institutions around the world. These awards give Google researchers the opportunity to partner with faculty who are doing impactful research, additionally covering tuition for a student. | Eneko Agirre Ixa taldea | 2019 | 33 | |
Euskarazko Tesien VI. Koldo Mitxelena saria | Olatz Perez de Viñaspre Ixa taldea | 2018 | 32 | ||
best paper award of the CoNLL 2018 conference | Our work "Uncovering divergent linguistic information in word embeddings with lessons for intrinsic and extrinsic evaluation" received the Best Paper Award in CoNLL 2018 conference, in Brussels. Mikel Artetxe, Gorka Labaka, Iñigo Lopez-Gazpio, Eneko Agirre (2018) Uncovering divergent linguistic information in word embeddings with lessons for intrinsic and extrinsic evaluation Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL 2018), pages 282–291. Brussels, Belgium, October 31 - November 1, 2018 | Eneko Agirre Mikel Artetxe, Gorka Labaka, Iñigo Lopez-Gazpio, Eneko Agirre, Mikel Artetxe Mikel Artetxe, Gorka Labaka, Iñigo Lopez-Gazpio, Eneko Agirre, Gorka Labaka Mikel Artetxe, Gorka Labaka, Iñigo Lopez-Gazpio, Eneko Agirre, Iñigo López Mikel Artetxe, Gorka Labaka, Iñigo Lopez-Gazpio, Eneko Agirre | 2018 | 31 | |
Google faculty research awards 2018 | Eneko Agirre Ixa taldea | 2018 | 30 | ||
2017 Best Thesis Award at SEPLN | Aitor Gonzalez Agirre was awarded with the best MSc thesis Award 2018 by the SEPLN association. | Aitor Gonzalez Ixa taldea | 2018 | 29 | |
Best system at the shared task on Automatic Disability Annotation at Ibereval 2018 | This work was pursued by the IXAMed group in the DIANN-Ibereval 2018 task. The task consists of identifying disabilities within a collection of several abstracts from Elsevier journal papers related to the biomedical domain. These corpora include the annotation of negation when it applies to a disability. The evaluation of the task is divided in two sub-tasks; one corresponding to the detection of English entities and the other to Spanish entities. Our system achieves the best task F-score for both English and Spanish disability identification, showing the suitability of our approach even with quite small training corpus. Our F-score is 0.821 for English and of 0.786 for Spanish. | Aitziber Atutxa Ixa taldea, Arantza Casillas Ixa taldea, Arantza Díaz de Ilarraza Ixa taldea, Nerea Ezeiza Ixa taldea, Iakes Goenaga Ixa taldea, Koldo Gojenola Ixa taldea, Maite Oronoz Ixa taldea, Alicia Pérez Ixa taldea, Olatz Perez de Viñaspre Ixa taldea | 2018 | 28 | |
Best system for ICD-10 (International Classification of diseases) coding in French, Italian and Hungarian at CLEF eHealth 2018 | Hospital systems routinely assign disease codes (ICD10 codes) to medical records. The challenge stands on treating natural and non-standard language in which doctors express their diagnoses. We presented our system to the CLEF 2018 eHealth Evaluation Task 1 on Multilingual Information Extraction - ICD10 coding. This benchmark addresses information extraction in written text with focus on several languages, specifically Hungarian, Italian and French. The goal is to automatically assign ICD10 codes to diagnostic terms of death certificates. In total, fourteen teams participated: 14 teams submitted runs for the French dataset, 5 submitted runs for the Hungarian dataset and 6 for the Italian dataset. For death certificate coding, the highest performance was 0.838 F-measure for French, 0.9627 for Hungarian and 0.9524 for Italian. | Aitziber Atutxa Ixa taldea, Arantza Casillas Ixa taldea, Arantza Díaz de Ilarraza Ixa taldea, Nerea Ezeiza Ixa taldea, Iakes Goenaga Ixa taldea, Koldo Gojenola Ixa taldea, Maite Oronoz Ixa taldea, Alicia Pérez Ixa taldea, Olatz Perez de Viñaspre Ixa taldea, Xabier Soto Ixa taldea | 2018 | 27 | |
Premios Nacionales de Fin de Carrera de Educación Universitaria 2013-2014 | Premios para estudiantes que hayan concluido sus estudios conducentes a un título universitario oficial de Grado o de Primer o Segundo Ciclo en centros universitarios españoles en el curso 2013-2014 | Mikel Artetxe Ixa taldea | 2018 | 26 | |
Acknowledgment for the contribution made to the Basque community in the area of Information Technology | Acknowledgment given to the Ixa group by the bascophile association in San Sebastian Bagera (Bagera Donostiako Euskaltzaleen Elkartea) for the contribution made to the Basque community in the area of Information Technology. | Ixa taldea | 2018 | 25 | |
The journal Science made a special mention | The journal Science made a special mention of the work done by the members of the group Mikel Artetxe, Eneko Agirre and Gorka Labaka in the article entitled Artificial intelligence goes bilingual without a dictionary. | Eneko Agirre , Mikel Artetxe , Gorka Labaka | 2018 | 24 | |
Mikel Artetxe awarded in Hackaton on Language Technologies organized by | Mikel Artetxe IXAkideak bigarren saria lortu du Bartzelonan antolatu den Hizkuntza Teknologietako Hackatoian. Antolatzailea izan da, Espainian Hizkuntza Teknologiak sustatzeko Planaren barruan kokatuta dago ekitaldia eta SESIAD agentziaren babesa izan du. | Mikel Artetxe | 2017 | 23 |
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Prize for the best work presented at the XXXIII International Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN 2017). | The article EusHeidelTime: Time Expression Extraction and Normalisation for Basque, presented by the researchers Begoña Altuna, Maxux Aranzabe and Arantza Díaz de Ilarraza, won the prize for the best work presented at the XXXIII International Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN 2017). | Begoña Altuna , Maxux Aranzabe , Arantza Díaz de Ilarraza | 2017 | 22 | |
#Txiotesia3 award for Uxoa Iñurrieta. | Uxoa Iñurrieta Ixakideak irabazi du #txiotesia3 txapelketako sari bat, ekarpen ulergarrienaren saria izan da berea. | Uxoa Iñurrieta | 2016 | 21 |
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Google Research Award (Eneko Agirre) | In 2016, Eneko Agirre received the Google Research Award, endowed with $ 50,000 for research on the measure of proximity between word meanings. | Eneko Agirre | 2016 | 20 |
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Award for the most important contribution to the development of the Basque Country at the conference for young researchers IkerGazte 2015. | The researcher Olatz Perez de Viñaspre received the Udalbiltza award for the most important contribution to the development of the Basque Country (Osasun-txosten elebidunak posible ote? “Are bilingual medical reports possible?”) at the conference for young researchers IkerGazte 2015. | Olatz Perez de Viñaspre | 2015 | 19 | |
Prize for the best work in Humanities at the conference for young researchers IkerGazte 2015. | The researcher Begoña Altuna received the prize for the best work in Humanities (Euskarazko denbora-egituren tratamendu automatikorako azterketa “Automatic analysis of time structures for Basque”) at the conference for young researchers IkerGazte 2015. | Begoña Altuna | 2015 | 18 | |
Mikel Artetxe Zurututza receives the Best Academic Record Award in Computer Science 2014 | UPV/EHUko Informatika Fakultateko 2013-2014 ikasturteko “espediente onenari diploma” eman diote Mikel Artetxe Ixakideari. | Mikel Artetxe Ixa taldea | 2014 | 17 | |
Award for the best summary of a doctoral PhD thesis in the call Txiokatu zure tesia 6 mezutan, # Txiotesia2 “Tweet you PhD in 6 messages”, organized by the Summer Basque University UEU in 2014 | The researcher Itziar Gonzalez de Dios received the award for the best summary of a doctoral PhD thesis in the call Txiokatu zure tesia 6 mezutan, # Txiotesia2 “Tweet you PhD in 6 messages”, organized by the Summer Basque University UEU in 2014, for her work on automatic simplification of texts in Basque. | Itziar Gonzalez-Dios | 2014 | 16 | |
Iñigo Lopez Gazpio receives the Best Academic Record Award in Computer Science 2013 | UPV/EHUko Informatika Fakultateko 2012-2013 ikasturteko “espediente onenari diploma” eman diote Iñigo Lopez Gazpio Ixakideari. | Ixa taldea | 2013 | 15 |
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NewsReader Project winner of the 4th edition of the Enlighten Your Research (EYR4) competition | NewsReader proiektukoek, tartean IXA taldekoak ere badira, EYR4 lehiaketa irabazi dute! Albiste-jario handi-handiak automatikoki aztertzeko Enlighten Your Research (EYR4) lehiaketaren 4. edizioa izan da. Sariarekin batera hiru opari egiten ditu Amsterdam-eko Unibertsitateak: 25.000€, hodeiko konputagailu potente bat erabiltzeko baimena eta horretarako aholkularitza. | Ixa taldea | 2013 | 14 | |
Arantxa Otegi received the Koldo Mitxelena prize 2013 | In 2013, the researcher Arantxa Otegi received the Koldo Mitxelena prize, organized by the Basque Language Academy and the University of the Basque Country, for the best PhD thesis in 2012 in the area of technical studies. | Arantxa Otegi | 2013 | 13 | |
GipuzkoAPP apps contest, organized by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa in 2013 | Researchers Ion Lizarazu and Manex Agirrezabal won the GipuzkoAPP apps contest, organized by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa in 2013, with their application Segapoto, which helps the user to complete verses in Basque. | Manex Aguirrezabal , Ion Lizarazu | 2013 | 12 | |
Acknowledgment granted by the City of San Sebastian | In 2013, the Ixa group got an institutional acknowledgment granted by the City of San Sebastian. | Ixa taldea | 2013 | 11 | |
Anton Abadia award | In 2013, the Ixa group received the Anton Abadia award, granted by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa due to the impact of the group's work on the normalization of the Basque language. | Ixa taldea | 2013 | 10 |
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Maite Oronoz Anchordoqui received the Koldo Mitxelena prize 2011 | In 2011, the researcher Maite Oronoz Anchordoqui received the Koldo Mitxelena prize, organized by the Basque Language Academy and the University of the Basque Country, for the best PhD thesis of 2010 in the area of technical studies. | Maite Oronoz | 2011 | 9 | |
Prize for the best work presented at the conference of the European Association of Machine Translation held in Barcelona in 2009 | The article Use of Rich Linguistic Information to translate preposition and Grammar case to Basque won the prize for the best work presented at the conference of the European Association of Machine Translation held in Barcelona in 2009. | Ixa taldea | 2009 | 8 | |
Prize for the best application presented at the CLA'09 (Computational Linguistics - Applications) | The application AnHitz, developed within the project of the same name, won the award for the best work in information retrieval as well as the prize for the best application presented at the CLA'09 (Computational Linguistics - Applications) a conference held in Mrągowo (Poland) in 2009. | Ixa taldea | 2009 | 7 | |
Gorka Labaka statistical machine translation | Albayzin-08 itzulpen automatikoko sistema estatistikoak ebaluatzeko markoa da. Marko horren barruan, aurten espainieratik euskarara itzulpenak egiteko txapelketa egin da. Lehian 12 sistema ibili dira, hiru unibertsitatetik bidaliak: Kataluniako Unibertsitateko Politeknikoa (UPC, TALP-AVIVAVOZ), Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV-PRHLT) eta Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (EHU, Ixa taldea). EHUko Ixa taldeko kidea den Gorka Labakaren sistemak irabazi du. | Ixa taldea | 2008 | 6 | |
UPV/EHUko Tesietarako Sari Berezia | 2005. UPV/EHUko Tesietarako Sari Berezia. Mikel Lersundi Ayestaran “Ezagutza-base lexikala eraikitzeko Euskal Hiztegiko definizioen azterketa sintaktiko-semantikoa. Hitzen arteko erlazio lexiko-semantikoak: definizio-patroiak, eratorpena eta postposizioak”. Zuzendariak: Eneko Agirre eta Ibon Sarasola. | Mikel Lersundi | 2005 | 5 | |
UPV/EHUko Tesietarako Sari Berezia | 2004. UPV/EHUko Tesietarako Sari Berezia. Izaskun Aldezabal. “Aditz-azpikategorizazioaren azterketa sintaxi partzialetik sintaxi osorako bidean. 100 aditzen azterketa, Levin-en (1993) lana oinarri hartuta eta metodo automatikoak baliatuz.”. Zuzendariak: Patxi Goenaga eta Kepa Sarasola. | Izaskun Aldezabal | 2004 | 4 | |
ELEKA INGENIARITZA LINGUISTIKOA S.L won the Toribio Etxeberria awards | The company ELEKA INGENIARITZA LINGUISTIKOA S.L won the Toribio Etxeberria awards. Bic Gipuzkoa 2002. ELEKA is a language engineering company that offers R & D & I solutions for the management of knowledge and the application of information technologies. The company was created together with Elhuyar for the transfer of the products of the Ixa group in the area of language engineering. | ELEKA NGENIARITZA LINGUISTIKOA S.L (spin-off) | 2002 | 3 | |
Manuel Laborde Werlinden Prize | In 2001, the Ixa group won the Manuel Laborde Werlinden Prize, thanks to which the company ELEKA INGENIARITZA LINGUISTIKOA S.L. was created. | Ixa taldea | 2001 | 2 | |
UPV/EHUko Tesietarako Sari Berezia | 1995. UPV/EHUko Tesietarako Sari Berezia. Xabier Arregi. “Itzulpenean laguntzeko Hiztegi-sistema eleanitza” | Xabier Arregi | 1995 | 1 |