Award for the most important contribution to the development of the Basque Country at the conference for young researchers IkerGazte 2015.

The researcher Olatz Perez de Viñaspre received the Udalbiltza award for the most important contribution to the development of the Basque Country (Osasun-txosten elebidunak posible ote? “Are bilingual medical reports possible?”) at the conference for young researchers IkerGazte 2015. Olatz Perez de Viñaspre ikerlariak, Euskal Herriko garapenerako bereziki garrantzitsua den gaia lantzeagatik, Udalbiltzak eskainitako sari berezia jaso zuen. Osasun-txosten elebidunak posible ote? “Are bilingual medical reports possible? ikertzaile gazteak biltzen dituen IkerGazte 2015 kongresuan.
The researcher Olatz Perez de Viñaspre received the Udalbiltza award for the most important contribution to the development of the Basque Country (Osasun-txosten elebidunak posible ote? “Are bilingual medical reports possible?”) at the conference for young researchers IkerGazte 2015.
Olatz Perez de Viñaspre