EusDisParser: improving an under-resourced discourse parser with cross-lingual data

Development of discourse parsers to annotate the relational discourse structure of a text is crucial for many downstream tasks. However, most of the existing work focuses on English, assuming a quite large dataset. Discourse data have been annotated for Basque, but training a system on these data is challenging since the corpus is very small. In this paper, we create the first parser based on RST for Basque, and we investigate the use of data in another language to improve the performance of a Basque discourse parser. More precisely, we build a monolingual system using the small set of data available and investigate the use of multilingual word embeddings to train a system for Basque using data annotated for another language. We found that our approach to building a system limited to the small set of data available for Basque allowed us to get an improvement over previous approaches making use of many data annotated in other languages. At best, we get 34.78 in F1 for the full discourse structure. More data annotation is necessary in order to improve the results obtained with these techniques. We also describe which relations match with the gold standard, in order to understand these results.
Egileak (ixakideak): 
Mikel Iruskieta, Chloé Braud
Artikuluaren erreferentzia: 
Proceedings of Discourse Relation Parsing and Treebanking (DISRPT2019), pages 62–71. Minneapolis, MN, June 6, 2019. ACL

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