Nor? |
David Martinez |
1David Martinez, Arantxa Otegi, Aitor Soroa, Eneko Agirre (2014)Journal of Biomedical Informatics, vol. 51, pages 100-106, Elsevier. ISSN 1532-0464 (pdf)
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2David Martinez, Arantxa Otegi, Eneko Agirre (2012)
Notebook of Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) 2012.
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3Timothy Baldwin, Su Nam Kim, Francis Bond, Sanae Fujita, David Martinez and Takaaki Tanaka (2010)
ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing (TALIP)
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4Andrew MacKinlay, David Martinez and Timothy Baldwin (2009)
BioNLP'09 Shared Task on Event Extraction
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5Wern Wong, David Martinez, Lawrence Cavedon (2009)
BioNLP 2009
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6Wern Wong, David Martinez, Lawrence Cavedon (2008)
Australasian Document Computing Symposium (ADCS). Hobart, Australia.
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7David Martinez, Sarvnaz Karimi, Lawrence Cavedon, Timothy Baldwin (2008)
Australasian Document Computing Symposium (ADCS). Hobart, Australia.
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8Mark Stevenson, Yikun Guo, Robert Gaizauskas and David Martinez (2008)
BMC Bioinformatics 2008, 9(Suppl 11):S7. Available <a href=''>online </a>.
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9Robert Gaizauskas, Yikun Guo, Mark Stevenson and David Martinez (2008)
Workshop on Finding the Hidden Knowledge: Text mining for biology and medicine
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10Eneko Agirre, Timothy Baldwin, David Martinez (2008)
Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL HLT 2008), Columbus, USA, pp. 317--325. ISBN 978-1-932432-04-6
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11David Martinez, Eneko Agirre and Oier Lopez de Lacalle (2008)Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, pp. 79-107, vol. 33.
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12Mark Stevenson, Yikun Guo, Robert Gaizauskas, David Martinez (2008)
BioNLP workshop at ACL
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13Timothy Baldwin, Su Nam Kim, Francis Bond, Sanae Fujita, David Martinez and Takaaki Tanaka (2008)
The Third International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP), Hyderabad, IndiaConference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP), Hyderabad, India
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14Timothy Baldwin, David Martinez, Richard Penman (2007)
Australasian Document Computing Symposium (ADCS 2007). Melbourne, Australia.
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15David Martinez, Timothy Baldwin, Eneko Agirre, Oier Lopez de Lacalle (2007)
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval-2007), pp.350-353, in conjunction with ACL.
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16David Martinez, Su Nam Kim, Timothy Baldwin (2007)
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval-2007), in conjunction with ACL.
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17Benjamin Goudey, Nicola Stokes, David Martinez (2007)
Australasian Language Technology Workshop (student poster)
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18David Martinez (2007)
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 34 Colección de Monografías: 6. ISBN: 978-84-608-0576-2
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19Xinglong Wang and David Martinez (2006)
EACL 2006 Workshop on Cross-Language Knowledge Induction. Pages: 547 - 554
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20David Martinez, Eneko Agirre and Xinglong Wang (2006)
Australasian Language Technology Workshop. Sydney (Australia). ISBN: 1741081467.
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21Eneko Agirre, Oier Lopez de Lacalle, David Martinez, Aitor Soroa (2006)
Textgraphs 2006 workshop, NAACL06, pp.89-96
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22Eneko Agirre, Oier Lopez de Lacalle, David Martinez, Aitor Soroa (2006)
Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP). Pages 585–593. ISBN:1-932432-73-6
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23Eneko Agirre, Oier Lopez de Lacalle, David Martinez (2006)
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 37, 285-291. Consultado en (ISSN edición impresa: 1135-5948) (ISSN edicion digital: 1989-7553)
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24L. Màrquez, G. Escudero, D. Martínez and G. Rigau (2006)
Book chapter in Eneko Agirre and Phil Edmonds (Eds.) Word Sense Disambiguation. Algorithms and Applications, Kluwer. ISBN: 978-1-4020-6870-6.
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25Aitzol Ezeiza, David Martinez, Bordel G., López de Ipiña K., Peñagarikano M., Rico T., Tovar C., Zulueta E. (2005)
IX Simposio de Comunicación Social
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26Eneko Agirre, Oier Lopez de Lacalle, David Martinez (2005)
Proceedings of the Conference on Recent Advances on Natural Language Processing (RANLP'05), pp. 32-38. Bulgary. ISBN: 954-91743-3-6
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27David Martinez (2005)
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 34, 125-126. Consultado en (ISSN edición impresa: 1135-5948) (ISSN edición digital: 1989-7553)
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28David Martinez (2004)
Informatika Fakultatea, UPV-EHU. 2004ko abendua.
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29Eneko Agirre, Itziar Aldabe, Mikel Lersundi, David Martinez, Eli Pociello, Larraitz Uria (2004)
Proceedings of the 3rd ACL workshop on the Evaluation of Systems for the Semantic Analysis of Text (SENSEVAL). Orrialdeak: 1-4. Argitaratzailea: The Association for Computational Linguistics. ISBN: 1-932432-44-2. Lekua: Barcelona, Spain. Jendaurrean azaldutako txostena. Nazioarteko biltzarra.
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30Eneko Agirre, David Martinez (2004)
Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP). Pages 25-35. ISBN: 1-932432-36-1. Barcelona, Spain.
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31Eneko Agirre, David Martinez (2004)
Proceedings of the 3rd ACL workshop on the Evaluation of Systems for the Semantic Analysis of Text (SENSEVAL). ISBN: 1-932432-44-2. Barcelona, Spain.
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32Villarejo L., Màrquez L., Agirre E., Martínez D., Magnini B., Strapparava C., McCarthy D., Montoyo A., Suárez A. (2004)
Proceedings of the 3rd ACL workshop on the Evaluation of Systems for the Semantic Analysis of Text (SENSEVAL). ISBN: 1-932432-44-2. Barcelona, Spain.
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33Eneko Agirre, David Martinez (2004)
Proceedings of the 4rd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluations (LREC). Lisbon, Portugal. ISBN: 2 - 9517408 - 1 - 6.
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34Eneko Agirre, David Martinez (2004)
EsTAL - España for Natural Language Processing. ISBN: 978-3-540-23498-2 . ISSN: 0302-9743 (Print) 1611-3349 (Online). Volume 3230/2004; Pages: 360-371 Alicante, Spain. Published in the Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Editors: José Luis Vicedo, Patricio Martínez-Barco, Rafael Muñoz, et al. Copyright Springer-Verlag.
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35Eneko Agirre, David Martinez (2002)
Proceedings of First International WordNet Conference. Mysore (India). 2002.
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36Martínez D., Agirre E. and Màrquez L. (2002)
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2002). ISBN: 1-55860-894-X. Taipei, Taiwan.
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37Eneko Agirre, Mikel Lersundi, David Martinez (2002)
ACL Workshop: Word Sense Disambiguation: recent successes and future directions
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38Eneko Agirre, Olatz Ansa, Xabier Arregi, Xabier Artola, Arantza Diaz de Ilarraza, David Martinez, Kepa Sarasola, Aitor Soroa, Jose Maria Arriola, Mikel Lersundi, Ruben Urizar (2001)
UPV/EHU/LSI/TR 2-2001.
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39Eneko Agirre, David Martinez (2001)
UPV/EHU / LSI / TR 11-2001
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40Eneko Agirre, David Martinez (2001)
Proceedings of the SENSEVAL-2 Workshop. In conjunction with ACL'2001/EACL'2001. Toulouse.
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41Eneko Agirre, Elena García, Mikel Lersundi, David Martinez, Eli Pociello (2001)
Proceedings of the SENSEVAL-2 Workshop. In conjunction with ACL'2001/EACL'2001. Orrialdeak: 9-12. Argitaratzailea: The Association for Computational Linguistics. Lekua: Toulouse, France. Jendaurrean azaldutako txostena. Nazioarteko biltzarra.
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42Eneko Agirre, Olatz Ansa, David Martinez, Hovy E. (2001)
Procceedings of the SIGLEX workshop on WordNet and Other Lexical Resources: Applications, Extensions and Customizations. In conjunction with NAACL.
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43Eneko Agirre, David Martinez (2001)
Proceedings of the Workshop Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (ConLL), Tolouse, France, pp 17-24.
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44Eneko Agirre, David Martinez (2001)
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference TSD 2001, Plzen (Pilsen), Czech Republic. Published in the Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Václav Matousek, Pavel Mautner, Roman Moucek, Karel Tauser (eds.) Copyright Springer-Verlag. ISBN: 3-540-42557-8.
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45Eneko Agirre, Olatz Ansa, Xabier Arregi, Xabier Artola, Arantza Diaz de Ilarraza, David Martinez, Kepa Sarasola, Aitor Soroa, Maria Jesús Aranzabe, Jose Maria Arriola, Mikel Lersundi (2000)
UPV/EHU/LSI/TR 10-2000.
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46Eneko Agirre, David Martinez (2000)
Proceedings of the Semantic Annotation And Intelligent Annotation workshop organized by COLING Luxembourg 2000. Pages 11-19.
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47Eneko Agirre, Olatz Ansa, David Martinez, E. Hovy (2000)
Proceedings of the Ontology Learning Workshop, organized by ECAI Berlin (Germany). 2000
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48Eneko Agirre, Olatz Ansa, Xabier Arregi, Xabier Artola, Arantza Diaz de Ilarraza, Mikel Lersundi, David Martinez, Kepa Sarasola, Ruben Urizar (2000)
Proceedings of Euralex Sttutgart (Germany). 2000. ISBN 3-00-006574-1
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49Martínez D., Agirre E. (2000)
Proceedings of the Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora. Hong Kong, 2000.
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