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Euskararen sintaxiaren aldaketak aztertzeko aplikazioa
BASYQUE Euskararen sintaxiaren datu-basea da. Hizkuntzaren ahozko aldaera desberdinak mapetan agerian emateko egiten dira hizkuntza atlasak. Hortaz, Euskararen Herri Hizkeren Atlasak (EHHA) ahozko euskararen aldaerak mapetan jasotzea du helburu. Euskaltzaindiak 1983an onartu zuen egitasmo hau. BASYQUE proiektu honen informazio-iturrri nagusia da.
However, apart from the information obtained by means of specific questionnaires, this web application also includes examples collected in the free speeches that have been recorded in other projects (section 3.2.) and examples found in literary corpora (section 3.3.). This way, BASYQUE becomes a very rich and representative basis for the analysis of the syntactic variation in the Northern Basque dialects. In this manual, you will find detailed information about the functionalities that this application offers to search for information as well as to manage (to store, update or remove) data related to syntactic variation.
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