Medikuntza arloko eta arlo juridikoko hizkuntzaren prozesamendua

PRIDAIAS: Hacia la PRIvacidad de los Datos en Aplicaciones de Inteligencia Artificial para la Salud

Proiektu honen helburu orokorra Ikaskuntza Federatuko sistema berri bat garatzea da, Machine Learning, Big Data eta LNP teknika berrietan oinarrituta. Sistema horrek txosten medikoetako testuetatik edukiak atera eta espediente mediko bateko atal zehatzekin lotzea ahalbidetuko luke.

MEDIA team at the CLEF-2020 MultilingualInformation Extraction Task

The aim of this paper is to present our approach (MEDIA)on the CLEF-2020 eHealth Task 1. The task consists in automatically assigning ICD10 codes (CIE-10, in Spanish) to clinical case documents,evaluating the prediction against manually generated ICD10 codifications. Our system took part in two different subtasks: one corresponding to Diagnosis Coding (CodiEsp-D) and the other to Procedure Coding(CodiEsp-P).

DOTT-HEALTH: Development Of Text-based Technology to support diagnosis, prevention and HEALTH institutions management

The combination of individual patient data and guidelines is conceptualized as clinical decision support systems. The increase in the adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHR) by healthcare systems results in a collection of massive healthcare data that practitioners, having a limited capability to deal with a big amount of information, are unable to process.


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