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EDBL lexical database
Esteka (orokorra):
Esteka (demoa):
EDBL (Euskararen Datu-Base Lexikala, The Lexical Data-Base for Basque)) is a general-purpose lexical database used in Basque text-processing tasks.
It is a large repository of lexical knowledge (currently around 120,000 entries) that acts as basis and support in a number of different NLP tasks, thus providing lexical information for several language tools: morphological analysis, spell checking and correction, lemmatization and tagging, syntactic analysis, and so on.
It has been designed to be neutral in relation to the different linguistic formalisms, and flexible and open enough to accept new types of information.
A browser-based user interface makes the job of consulting the database, correcting and updating entries, adding new ones, etc. easy to the lexicographer.
It is a large repository of lexical knowledge (currently around 120,000 entries) that acts as basis and support in a number of different NLP tasks, thus providing lexical information for several language tools: morphological analysis, spell checking and correction, lemmatization and tagging, syntactic analysis, and so on.
It has been designed to be neutral in relation to the different linguistic formalisms, and flexible and open enough to accept new types of information.
A browser-based user interface makes the job of consulting the database, correcting and updating entries, adding new ones, etc. easy to the lexicographer.
Lexical database for Basque
Oracle. XML exportation.
First Lexical database for Basque.
Different projects funded by the Basque government.
Argitalpenak (artikuluak):
Copyright: GI-97/1596
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